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A Playlist of Songs to Boost Mental Health

Music is an essential part of self care as it can transport you to new places and compliment your feelings in that time period. It can also console you if you’re having a rough time, or create joyous moments out of good news, or provide an outlet for any feeling. There’s music for every feeling and music for every mood, that accentuate the joys of our lives and provide a musical playlist that accurately provides solace in moments of despair.

Music’s health benefits are similar to that of any self care, which is it can allow you to deal with your feelings, reduce stress, and provides a similar outlet like exercise. For severe mental illness, it can even help with audio hallucinations. The act of singing can also limit the audio hallucinations and provide a good outlet for when hallucinations occur.


Boosting Mental Health - songs

1. Tom Misch “Watch Me Dance”
It starts off with a violin and then gets into groovy funk music that demands that you dance in your room alone.

2. Amos Lee “One Lonely Light”
This is a perfect orchestra to lift you out of a bad mood.

3. Joe Purdy “I Like the Rain the Most”
A perfect accompaniment to a rainy summer’s eve.

4. Ledisi “Alright”
A soul song that tells you everything’s gonna be alright.

5. Bahamas “Everything to Everyone”
A soul acoustic band that makes you feel transported to a different decade.

6. Liana La Havas “Tokyo”
Starts off with the familiar Radiohead guitar riff into acoustic soul.

7. Honne “Good Together”
A perfect pick me up for a bad day.

8. Corinne Bailey Rae “Like A Star”
A British artist who reminds you that there are stars out there for your life.

9. Izzy Bizu “Diamond”
Remnants of Bob Marley with acoustic soul.

10. David Gray “Shine”
An acoustic song that transports you to a beach where David Gray sings to you that you can shine.

What's on your mental health playlist?

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If you are in crisis, call 988 to talk with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, text HOME to 741741 to connect to a free crisis counselor, or go to your nearest emergency room.